[BOOK|TXT] Lip Service
Dating > Lip Service
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Dating > Lip Service
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That your professed love for me is only lip service, for you intend to desert me. She is constantly torn between an old love or a new future. Hear me—not with lip service, I beseech thee now, but with the earnestness that stays the rushing heart's blood in its way. By all means take heed of this turning the worship of God into lip-service.
Cat attempts to stop Frankie from leaving Glasgow. About why she left him at the altar. It had an audience share of 4.
Lip Service - The man who expects anything more than lip-service from his friends is a very young man.
There is no lack of lip-service to the sea-creed in these islands. Vain will be your lip-service; vain your cold, heartless offerings. Yet there was a distinguishing, cordial charm in his courtesy; it was not all lip-service. They may render it lip-service, but that is quite another thing. All my service of God there was lip-service: why did I, having the Lip Service of living in greater perfection, neglect it? Jack laughed,—the sound with no real music in it, the sort of lip-service merely. By all means take heed of this turning the worship of God into lip-service. They are fulsomely polite, but it is just that lip-service which sets the Englishman's back up. So you seceded from Secession right away, to pay for that lip-service, hey? The man who expects anything more than lip-service from his friends is a very Lip Service man.